Sims Fashions/Men
[2010SS] Lightness No.04~07
2010. 5. 28. 17:10
New Mesh Include.
You can recoulor my meshes for your work.
You can include my meshes in the Zip, but you must give credits.
you can use freely my creations in your stories, screenshots, movies.
-> no credit needed :-)
but... PLZ, do not modify my creations and don't redistribute my clothes(textures).
Don't use my creations in payment/donation files.
메쉬/텍스쳐 무단수정 및 재배포 불가.
메쉬에다 새 텍스쳐(리컬러) 가능, 압축파일 포함해도 됨. 그러나 출처 표기 필수.
스샷, 만화, 영상에 사용시 맘대로 쓰길, 허락 필요없음.